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Every year, an estimated 2-3 million people die because they cannot afford pacemaker surgery. These deaths are 100% preventable! That is why it is the mission of ForHearts Worldwide to provide these life-saving implantable cardiovascular devices and follow-up care at no cost to people in need in developing countries around the world.

You can help to support that mission. When you hear the word “support” you may think of donating monetarily. That is certainly critical to our mission as giving through regular donations and corporate sponsorships funds our life-saving work. But it’s not the only way you can provide support. You can volunteer your time and talents in support of our global mission from right where you are.

Volunteer Opportunities at Yearly Events

Fundraising events are the lifeblood of our organization, raising both critical monetary support ForHearts in need around the world and awareness of our work and mission within the local Tampa Bay community.

ForHearts hosts two major in-person fundraising events every year, the Drive to Save Lives Golf Tournament and A Night ForHearts. Neither would be possible without the hard work of volunteers on the day of each event to ensure everything runs smoothly.

Our A Night ForHearts event brings our ForHearts community together for an evening of recognition, celebration, and giving. As a volunteer during this gala evening, you will welcome and help seat our guests, distribute gift baskets, staff our auction tables, ensure sponsored tables have their company-branded promotional products and signage, and help us create an unforgettable experience for our most devoted supporters.

Our annual Drive to Save Lives Golf Tournament is a day of friendly competition, food and drink, raffles, and prizes, all in support of the ForHearts mission. On Monday, October 2, 2023, we will once again be taking over the Carrollwood Country Club for our scramble format tournament. Volunteers are needed to bring our on-course experiences to life, including organizing the putting and hole-in-one contests, checking in teams of players, setting up and manning food and drink stations, staffing the tournament store, distributing gifts and raffle prizes, shuttling players and supplies between holes, and so much more!

Volunteering gives you the opportunity to roll up your sleeves and get involved with our mission, while personally engaging with members of the community.

Become a Social Media Ambassador

Volunteers are the boots on the ground that make our fundraising events a success. But there’s something else our events and mission need—awareness and promotion! One of the easiest ways you can “volunteer” ForHearts is by simply sharing, posting, and talking about us on social media.

As a volunteer ForHearts Social Ambassador, you can have a global reach without even leaving your house! All you need is a heart ForHearts in need and a desire to share the ForHearts mission with your social network.

So just what will you do as a Social Ambassador? Amplify the reach of ForHearts social media posts by following, liking and sharing. You can also create your own posts about ForHearts on the social platform you’re the most active on, so your engaged friends and followers are more likely to be reached with the message of our mission.

“We ask that ambassadors share what they consider important to them as a ForHearts Ambassador,” says Miriam Hernandez, ForHearts Marketing Coordinator. “An ambassador could share our upcoming event details, current fundraising campaigns throughout the year, such as Giving Tuesday, or one of the ForHearts blogs that they personally find interesting. The point is to share why it is important to you and give a call to action to others.”

That action could be a call to donate to your ForHearts social media fundraiser, message you to learn more, or join an upcoming ForHearts fundraising event, either as an attendee or a volunteer. Inviting your online connections to an in-person event gives them the opportunity to actively participate in supporting the ForHearts mission they’ve heard so much about!

Reach Out to ForHearts to Discover More Ways to Help

There are so many ways you can support the life-saving work of ForHearts Worldwide. Connect with us to learn more about volunteering, fundraising, and the global reach of our mission.