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Together We Provide Life-Saving

Care ForHearts in Need

Currently Heartbeat International Foundation is doing business as ForHearts Worldwide. Because of this, Heartbeat International Foundation will receive donations for ForHearts Worldwide.

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We Provide Access to Life-Saving Care For Those That Can Not Afford it

Each year in developing countries around the world an estimated 2-3 million people die because they cannot afford a pacemaker surgery. Our commitment is to raise funds and coordinate with medical teams around the world to help provide the surgery and medical care that will save their lives.

pacemakers save lives
ForHearts Saves Lives

2.5 Million

People die each year due to lack of access to pacemaker surgery.

ForHearts Saves Lives


Increase in life expectancy with a pacemaker.

ForHearts Saves Lives


Saves a life for life. You provide a permanent, meaningful impact.


The Passion of Our Network

Our network consists of generous partners and donors, volunteers on the ground in-country, corporate partners who donate pacemakers, funding & medical supplies, and a network of medical professionals who contribute their time & expertise. Because of that generosity, a life-saving surgery that often costs upwards of $50,000 or more, can be achieved for as little as $585. That means every $585 we raise – just $585 – can save a person’s life.

every 585 we raise saves a life
passion of our network


Life-Saving and Life-Changing

Every time a patient receives a life-saving device or pacemaker surgery provided by ForHearts, it gives them a whole new chance at life. For a child, it is a chance to grow up and get an education, get married, have children, and fulfill their destiny. For an adult, it is the ability to work, provide for their family, and live a productive life.

Meet Mei

Diagnosed with congenital heart block at the age of 3, Mei Gui has lived with a pacemaker for most of her life. Now, 30 years after her initial surgery, she contributes her excellent health to the device that saved her life, allowing her to be an active participant in her life, the lives of her family and community.

Meet Keila

Keila was only a few days old when she received her first pacemaker from our organization. Now, she is happy, healthy and active! Though she will likely need a replacement pacemaker in the years to come, Keila is a patient for life.

Meet Geraldine

Geraldine underwent two heart surgeries before the age of ten years old. Born with Down Syndrome and a severe heart condition, her parents could not afford the life-saving surgery she desperately needed. That is when an entire team of volunteer surgeons from our organization jumped into action to provide a pacemaker to a beautiful little girl and give her a second chance at life.

Meet Charisse

At the age of 25, Charisse learned that she had symptomatic bradycardia as well as a congenital third-degree heart block. Without a pacemaker, she would not have been able to live much longer. Our volunteer medical team provided the surgery and care she needed, granting Charisse renewed hope and energy for years to come.

Meet Christine

Christine first came to us at 14 years old after a diagnosed heart block. Living in Trinidad, her family could not afford the surgery, but with the help of our volunteer medical staff we were able to save her life. Today, Christine continues to receive ongoing follow-up care and looks toward the future with excitement and gratitude.


Each Patient Receives Regular
Checkups and Care Free of Charge

That means we stay in contact and provide the cardiac care they need to live a long, healthy and productive life. A pacemaker needs to be replaced every 4 to 8 years- we provide new devices as patients require them.

patient stories ForHearts
patient stories ForHearts Worldwide
ForHearts Patient Stories
ForHearts Arturo


Make an Impact with ForHearts