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There are few non-profit organizations in the world that can track and share the impact of their efforts over the course of a lifetime.

At ForHearts Worldwide We Can

The ForHearts Worldwide is a lifelong mission, providing life-saving surgery and heartcare for life. That means a new pacemaker every 4 to 8 years and regular heart checkups with a cardiologist in the region.

Below is the story of Arturo Seguro from Sahuauyo, Mexico; just one patient’s story out of the thousands of lifelong success stories by ForHearts Worldwide.

When we met Arturo in 2004 he was 7 years old and suffering with a life threatening heart condition that his parents could not afford to treat.

Today Arturo is in his 20’s, studying at University with dreams of changing the world.

Mexico Population: 129 Million

Over 100,000 will die because they cannot afford pacemaker surgery.

Arturo’s heart problems began when he was three-years-old. His father worked long hours at a taco stand to support the family, but he felt scared and helpless. “I didn’t have the money for that surgery. I couldn’t save my own son’s life.”

His mother was equally devastated. “When my son was sleeping, sometimes I couldn’t hear his heart, and I knew one day he might not wake up in the morning.”

Arturo’s family found hope when they met Dr. Ricardo Meneses of ForHearts. Arturo traveled 100 miles to a hospital and was rushed into surgery for a pacemaker implant.

All these years later Arturo visits for regular checkups with Dr. Meneses. Arturo’s father calls this relationship with ForHearts Worldwide an answer to his prayers. To which Dr. Meneses says, “it’s just what people do for each other. It’s my way of giving back.”

For Arturo, the life ahead is one of endless possibilities. With your generous support, imagine how many other lives we can save.

Let’s Create More Stories Like Arturo’s

Together We Can Provide Life-Saving Care ForHearts In Need