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Our mission is to do everything we can ForHearts in need around the world. At the heart of this mission is our work providing implantable cardiovascular devices for people in developing countries.

Our network stretches from the U.S. to six different countries where our Heart Centers are located. This global ForHearts community includes our board of directors, staff, Heart Center doctors and nurses, in-country volunteers, device manufacturers, sponsors, and donors. And it can include YOU!

You may not be a doctor or have the ability to volunteer at one of our Hearts Centers, but you can still be a part of the ForHearts mission. How? By rallying your social network in support of our mission as a ForHearts Social Ambassador.

Make Your Social Network Part of the ForHearts Network

The first thing that may come to mind when you hear “social ambassador” is of those perfectly filtered Instagram influencers with 10,000+ followers promoting their favorite brand of skincare or jewelry. And you’d be partially right.

But to be a ForHearts Social Ambassador, you don’t need a large social following, a perfectly curated Instagram feed, or the latest iPhone. What you do need is a heart ForHearts in need and a desire to share your personal ForHearts experience with your social network.

“We ask that ambassadors share what they consider important to them as a ForHearts Ambassador,” says Miriam Hernandez, ForHearts Marketing Coordinator. “A list of things that an ambassador could share are our upcoming event details, current fundraising campaigns throughout the year, such as Giving Tuesday, or one of the ForHearts blogs that they personally find interesting. The point is to share why it is important to you and give a call to action to others.”

As a Social Ambassador, you’ll amplify the reach of the ForHearts social media posts by following, liking, and sharing our posts. You can also create your own posts about ForHearts. Post on the social platform you’re the most active on, so those in your network that are actively engaging with you are more likely to be reached, regardless of the size of your social following.

There are no requirements for how many times or how often an ambassador should post and share about ForHearts on social media, or the type of posts to create.

“We ask that ambassadors share what they consider important to them as a ForHearts Ambassador,” Hernandez emphasizes.

Getting Social as a ForHearts Social Ambassador

Being a ForHearts Social Ambassador goes beyond sharing ForHearts on social media. It is being an advocate ForHearts by taking action to support the ForHearts mission.

Explains Hernandez, “The advocacy we look for starts with sharing the ForHearts mission with others and raising awareness about what we do as an organization.”

A personal way to advocate is turning those social media connections into peer-to-peer connections. Start with your closest connections and invite them to a ForHearts fundraising event, such as the annual Drive to Save Lives or Sunset Music Festival. This is a great opportunity for engaging your social media connections with an in-person social event, where they can actively participate in supporting the cause they’ve heard so much about—and have fun doing it!

Fundraising as a ForHearts Ambassador

Fundraising provides direct support for our mission. As a ForHearts Social Ambassador, you’ll want to look for every opportunity to fundraise for ForHearts as part of your ambassador role. Peer-to-peer fundraising is one of the most effective ways to do this. This can include inviting your connections to your own in person fundraising event, posting a Facebook Fundraiser on your page and even using other platforms such as Twitch (this is a great way for gamers to help us!). Taking your fundraising event to social media with a Facebook or Instagram Live can also increase awareness of our mission and assist in raising funds to support it.

You can create a Facebook Fundraiser in four easy steps – Facebook will walk you through it to ensure success. Many people use their birthday as the platform to ask for support of their favorite nonprofit with Facebook Fundraiser. Facebook allows you to easily amplify the reach of your event and ask. So, turn your holiday party or birthday party into a fundraising party for ForHearts!

How to Become a ForHearts Social Ambassador

Ready to support the ForHearts mission as a ForHearts Social Ambassador? Fill out this form:

A ForHearts representative will then contact you for an introductory call to help you get started! Are you an event-planning extraordinaire? Do you love creating videos, graphics, and other content for social media? Based on your passions (and your passion for our mission), we will help you decide how to best use your strengths and interests to support ForHearts.

Once your plan is in place, our team will work with you to ensure you have everything you need to be a successful ForHearts Ambassador. This includes branded content that you can use (graphics, banners, badges, newsletters), an overview of all ForHearts fundraising events for the upcoming year, and campaign content for successful marketing and campaigning to help us reach our goals.

As one of the first ForHearts Social Ambassadors, you’ll be a trailblazer for our organization, helping to shape the future direction and goals for our formal ambassador program.

“Hopefully, this program will act as a leadership council that will be at the forefront of our advocacy and fundraising efforts,” says Miriam Hernandez. “The vision is for those in our program to put on community-building events, create their own fundraising campaigns, and find other creative ways to do more ForHearts.”