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Looking for ways to raise the profile of your business while giving back? Corporate sponsorship of a charitable organization is a great way for your company to make a positive impact in the community and advance social causes that align with your business values and social responsibility goals.

Corporate sponsorship can benefit your company in several ways:

Brand Awareness and Visibility: Giving back is good PR. It ties your company name to a cause, demonstrating that your business is about more than turning a profit; it is an active contributor to your community. This builds positive brand affinity while also exposing your company to potential new customers or clients—supporters of the charity now associate your brand with the cause they’re passionate about.
Building Corporate Culture: Your corporate giving, philanthropic work, and community involvement demonstrate to current and prospective employees that you’re a company with a purpose-driven, values-based corporate culture. When it comes to attracting and retaining top talent, a clearly defined corporate culture can be crucial.

Financial Benefits: Donating to a charity comes with company tax breaks and incentives. But your corporate sponsorship can go beyond writing a check. Providing services, supplies, volunteers, and your products to assist in executing the charity’s missions or as potential charity auction items all go a long way in supporting a cause while providing additional financial incentives for your company.

To determine if corporate sponsorship is right for your company, start with your why: what is the purpose behind the partnership for your company?

Partner with ForHearts as a Corporate Sponsor 

Whatever your “why” may be, ForHearts can be your partner in fulfilling your corporate sponsorship goals.

Our life-saving mission is providing implantable cardiovascular devices for people in need in developing countries around the world. Since 1984, we’ve saved 17,000 lives, and counting!

“Supporting ForHearts allows corporate teams to come together with their own communities to support efforts towards an overall global mission, which is to save lives,” says Miriam Hernandez, ForHearts Marketing Coordinator. “There are many ways to partner with purpose and make a difference through a corporate sponsorship with ForHearts Worldwide.”

Fundraising Events

ForHearts has two major in-person fundraising events held every year, the Drive to Save Lives Golf Tournament and A Night ForHearts. These events raise critical funds to support hearts in need around the world.

Both events offer a variety of sponsorship levels that help to fund the event itself while raising donations to support the ForHearts mission. Each sponsorship level has different perks and promotional opportunities for the sponsor.

At A Night ForHearts, these range from table sponsorship to sponsorship packages that include company-branded promotional products, print and social media advertising, and the opportunity to speak at the event.

Drive to Save Lives offers similar sponsorship levels, with groups of four to 12 players receiving their playing spots, gift baskets, food and drink throughout the day, plus print and on-course advertising for your company. It’s the perfect day on the course for your corporate team!

We have multiple sponsorships available for the 2023 Drive to Save Lives, including our highest tier—our presenting sponsor. This level receives the most promotional recognition at the event and allows for corporate members to network with other businesses and industry professionals.

While sponsorship funding and participation may shine the biggest light on your company, there are other ways you and your whole corporate team can roll up your sleeves and get involved with our events.

Serving as a volunteer gives you more opportunities to personally engage with attendees and the community. It’s also a way to bring your employees from all levels together around a common cause for a team-building experience that fosters a cooperative corporate culture. Our events run on volunteers who assist in everything from event setup to registration to manning the auction tables.

Both the Drive to Save Lives and A Night ForHearts events include auctions. Donating an auction item–whether it’s your product, service, or experience–is a way to contribute that gets your brand into the hands of bidders. All auction proceeds go directly to funding our life-saving pacemaker program. Previous auction items include a weekend stay from The Westin Tampa Bay, box suite tickets to a Tampa Bay Rays game, and a three-piece jewelry set from Kendra Scott Tampa.

Corporate Giving and Matching Programs

If your company has a give-back initiative, consider making ForHearts your charity of choice.

Besides providing their beautiful jewelry for our auction, Kendra Scott Tampa in Hyde Park Village hosted an in-store shopping event, with 20% of the proceeds from the day’s sales going to ForHearts. The company with the slogan of “Shine Bright, Do Good” is dedicated to supporting “women and families’ causes in our local communities through Kendra Gives Back events.” 

Does your company encourage employee giving through corporate matching? Emphasize giving to ForHearts with a match during awareness days, such as World Heart Day, Wear Red Day during American Heart Month, and Giving Tuesday. This can amplify your corporate giving and the awareness around our life-saving mission.

Cause-Related Marketing Campaigns

One of the easiest ways your corporation can “sponsor” ForHearts is by simply talking about us! Partnering with ForHearts through a cause-related marketing campaign helps to promote our mission while you promote your products and services.

Social media campaigns and posts about ForHearts can help to spread awareness and raise funds. Consider becoming a ForHearts Social Ambassador, promoting ForHearts across your corporate social channels to your followers and hosting social media fundraising events.

Your social network has the potential for global reach, and when you support ForHearts’ global mission, so does your corporate philanthropy. Whether you are a small business or a large corporation, partnering with ForHearts as a corporate sponsor takes your community involvement from the Tampa Bay area to supporting hearts in need in Mexico, the Caribbean, Central America, the Philippines, and beyond!

Learn more about our corporate sponsorship and partnership opportunities.