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It takes a community to make our mission of providing life-saving pacemakers ForHearts in need a reality. A big part of this community is the support of our corporate sponsors and partners, especially in the medical device manufacturing industry. Our partnerships with device manufacturers, such as BIOTRONIK, Boston Scientific and Abbott, provide us with access to pacemakers, either through donation or grants.

“We talk about us providing a device for our organization and our mission so we can implant it and save a life, but we rely heavily on our partners to allow us to carry out our mission,” says Laura DeLise, ForHearts Executive Director.

The mission of ForHearts aligns with the purpose and function of the medical device industry—their products save lives. For these companies, partnering with an organization that provides their devices to those who need them most is a natural fit.

Saving Lives, One Pacemaker at a Time

“I was fortunate to work in the medical device industry for my entire career…So the benefit there was I saw people being saved for the 32 years I was in my working career,” says Jan Henderson, ForHearts Treasurer and Board Member who formerly worked in cardiac device manufacturing.

In the course of her career, Henderson held roles in sales, marketing, and management with such medical device companies as Medtronic, Spectranetics, and St. Jude Medical. A key part of every one of these roles was forming relationships, a vital soft skill for any successful partnership.

With her experience, Henderson now has a new role: helping ForHearts develop these important partnerships.

“My experience from the corporate world has helped to guide and create strategies so that we can continue corporate partnerships in order to have these medical devices provided to our patients,” she explains.

These partners not only donate needed pacemakers, defibrillators, and other devices, they also donate their time, skills, and knowledge.

“There are so many different aspects to this,” explains Henderson. “Not just delivering the devices, which is key, but making sure that all the requirements are met through that process—the implant itself, following the patient, providing ongoing care, making sure that follow-ups are done, and in the event that there needs to be a new implant, that all the data recording is done. All of that is done very well by ForHearts but also key is having a partner who can help you with all those very specific regulations and requirements.”

Creating a Corporate Culture of Giving

Aligning mission, purpose, values and goals are what make any corporate partnership successful. They also make for a successful corporate culture when that alignment happens between a company and its employees.

For companies, clearly communicating their mission, values, and the causes they support is no longer a nice-to-have; it’s now expected. Post-pandemic, more people are looking for their work to be meaningful, and they want to do that work for purpose-driven companies.

According to Forbes, people cite company alignment with their personal goals and values as one of the most important criteria when deciding to join or remain with a company. And when it comes to working for companies that align with their values, workers are ready to put their money where their mouths are. A survey by Qualtrics found that 54% of U.S. employees would take a pay cut to work for a company that shares their values.

But how do you create a purpose-driven, values-based corporate culture? Start with where and how you give back. Corporate giving, philanthropic work, and community involvement are the most prominent ways to demonstrate to current and prospective employees that your organization “walks the talk” of your values.

It also provides employees an opportunity to put their values into action and deepen their engagement with their work, giving them “something else to look forward to in their relationship with their employer,” says Henderson.

“Most corporations, whether large or small, healthcare related or not, are working today to bring opportunities to their employees, so that they can contribute to society,” she explains. “If a company creates that situation so that the employees naturally can find a fit with the company [because of] a nonprofit that they’re partnering with…that’s very gratifying for an employee.”

That gratification comes not only from doing good, but also from being part of something bigger, especially when the giving goes beyond the company writing a check. Coming together with co-workers around a common cause can be a great team-building experience that fosters a cooperative corporate culture.

Explains Jan Henderson: “If a corporation wanted to raise money for their partner, ForHearts in this instance, they could have a golf tournament or a bowling tournament or host a dinner—do things that are ways for their employees to socialize, and it’s for a good cause.”

Become a ForHearts Corporate Sponsor

A corporate sponsorship with ForHearts brings that meaning and value to your employees while saving lives. Our corporate sponsors and partners come from diverse industries, not just the healthcare and medical device sector. Each one provides invaluable support that helps to sustain our work.

Is a ForHearts corporate sponsorship right for your company? Start with your why: what is it you’re looking for in the partnership for your company and employees? Is it team building, fundraisers, ways that employees can get together and work for a cause, tax benefits or other financial benefits for the organization?

Whatever your “why” may be, you’ll be joining a special group of givers.

Says Henderson: “The people who give to this organization have been here for a long time. It’s a devoted group of individuals. They are committed to bringing healthcare to patients in need who would not be receiving medical devices, pacemakers, or defibrillators if this organization weren’t in place.”

Learn more about our corporate sponsorship and partnership opportunities.