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This time of year has everyone in a giving frame of mind. From giving thanks on Thanksgiving to giving back on GivingTuesday, and giving presents at your holiday celebrations—‘tis the season for giving! But this spirit of giving should last more than just a season, because the need is great all year round.

In developing countries around the world, an estimated 2 to 3 million people die every year because they cannot afford pacemaker surgery. Our mission is to do all we can for these hearts in need by providing life-saving cardiovascular devices, implantation surgeries, and essential follow-up care. That requires a 24/7, 365-days-a-year effort!

The year-round support from our ForHearts community sustains our mission, allowing us to save even more lives. You can be part of that community by becoming a monthly donor to ForHearts Worldwide.

A Monthly Commitment to Saving Lives

ForHearts Worldwide is able to provide life-saving pacemaker surgery to patients in developing countries for just $585. And that $585 includes the life-long monitoring and follow up care every pacemaker recipient needs. This would not be possible without the generosity of so many: our Heart Center doctors and nurses, in-country volunteers, device manufacturers who donate their time, skills, and medical devices; and our sponsors and donors who give financially.

Monthly donors are essential to sustaining our organization and funding the work of our team. They provide a reliable financial resource that ensures we can continue to offer pacemakers to individuals in need, year-round, at such a low cost. And that’s a cost that is never shouldered by a patient. Your monthly commitment as a donor is a commitment to save a life. You become part of a patient’s story and a part of the ForHearts mission.

Monthly donations help us maintain our current patient care, as well as fund our goal of expanding the reach of our mission and the number of potential therapies we can provide, such as valvular replacement devices and stents. As a monthly donor, you’re helping to meet an immediate need, while also investing in the future of life-saving care.

How to Become a Monthly Donor

Becoming a monthly donor requires a monthly commitment, but it doesn’t mean you’re committing to give more every month. In fact, becoming a monthly donor allows you to set your annual donation number—how much you want to give to ForHearts for the year—and then divide that into smaller monthly installments.

As you think about what that number could be, consider this: $50 a month will save a life because $50 x 12 months = $600. And just $585 funds a life-saving pacemaker procedure and patient care!

Ready to save a life? It’s easy to become a monthly donor in five simple steps:

  1. Go to the “Donate” page under the “You Can Help” tab at the top of this page.
  2. Select “Monthly” from the giving options.
  3. Enter the amount you wish to give on a monthly basis. You can choose from pre-selected increments ($50, $100, $585) or enter your preferred amount.
  4. Click “Continue” to choose your payment method (credit card or PayPal).
  5. Enter your account information and click “Finish.” The monthly amount will automatically be billed.

Make it your New Year’s resolution to make a difference. By becoming a monthly donor, you’ll be making a life-saving difference ForHearts around the world. With our automatic monthly giving program, this may be the easiest New Year’s resolution you’ve ever kept!

Set up your monthly giving now.