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ForHearts Worldwide - End of Year 2023

Can you believe 2023 is about to come to a close? A New Year is almost here, with new hopes, dreams, and goals. But a simple flip of the calendar to 2024 doesn’t erase the great need and challenges of 2023, especially for those facing life-threatening cardiovascular issues.

In developing countries around the world, an estimated 2 to 3 million people die every year because they cannot afford pacemaker surgery. The ForHearts Worldwide mission is to do all we can for these hearts in need by providing life-saving cardiac devices, the device implant surgeries, and essential follow-up care. Since 1984, we’ve saved over 17,000 lives.

The generous support of our donors is what makes our mission possible, 365-days-a-year! Whether you choose to support ForHearts with a one-time, year-end gift or decide to join the ForHearts community as an annual or a monthly donor, your giving provides the essential year-round support that can help us save lives this year and for years to come.

Saving Lives as a ForHearts Donor

Your generous financial support of ForHearts Worldwide enables us to provide life-saving pacemaker implant surgery to patients in developing countries around the world. That doesn’t just cover the cost of the device and surgery; it includes the life-long monitoring and follow-up care every pacemaker recipient needs; that’s a cost that is never shouldered by a patient. ForHearts patients are patients for life!

When you become a ForHearts donor, you become part of a patient’s story. Patients like Christine Sookram of Trinidad, who was diagnosed with a third-degree heart block at age 14. Christine is now a healthy adult, receiving checkups every six months and on her third pacemaker through ForHearts. Another is Arturo Seguro of Mexico, who received his first life-saving pacemaker as a child. Arturo is now in his twenties and continues to receive follow-up care and device monitoring provided by ForHearts Worldwide.

Every year new patient stories are being written because of your generosity. Most recently, Charisse, a resilient individual who, at the age of 25, discovered she had symptomatic bradycardia and a congenital third-degree heart block; without a pacemaker, her future was uncertain. Thanks to the dedicated work of our volunteer medical team, Charisse received the surgery and care she needed, giving her a new lease on life.

Francisco has battled heart issues for 16 years—since he was a teenager. After experiencing restlessness and unusual levels of fatigue, a doctor’s visit revealed a heart murmur, indicating the need for a pacemaker. It was a lifesaving device he could not afford. Francisco’s life took a turn for the better when he met Dr. Meneses of ForHearts Worldwide, who facilitated the implant surgery of a life-saving pacemaker. Francisco’s life now has promise.

There are 17,000 more stories just like this, 17,000 more lives saved thanks to the work of the ForHearts community. Your support provides the reliable financial resources that allow us to purchase lifesaving cardiac devices and fund the implant surgeries and life-long care provided by our teams around the world.

As a donor to ForHearts Worldwide, you’re not only helping to meet the immediate needs of patients, but you’re also funding the future. Your support sustains our organization, helping us to secure new partnerships and sponsorships that will help us expand the reach of our mission. This coming year, we’ll mark our 40th anniversary of saving and serving hearts around the world. We have exciting initiatives and big goals planned for 2024! Won’t you be a part of it by supporting our mission?

How You Can Support ForHearts

You can become a ForHearts donor in five simple steps:

  1. Go to the “You Can Help” tab at the top of this page and click or tap on “Donate”.
  2. Select from the giving options—One-time, Monthly, Quarterly, or Yearly.
  3. Enter the amount you wish to give. You can choose from pre-selected increments ($50, $100, $585 for Monthly, Quarterly, or Yearly giving), or enter your preferred amount (a great choice for a One-time gift).
  4. Click “Continue” to choose your payment method (credit card or PayPal).
  5. Enter your account information and click “Finish.” The amount will automatically be billed.

As you think about how often and how much you would like to give, consider this: Your one-time gift gives the gift of life, as your year-end donation directly funds our mission to provide pacemakers and cardiac care worldwide. As a monthly donor, you provide regular and reliable financial support that sustains ForHearts as an organization, ensuring we meet our monthly obligations to our stateside staff and administrators, as well as our in-country patients. With our automatic monthly giving program, your commitment to give is one New Year’s resolution you’re sure to keep!

Make it your New Year’s resolution to save a life. By becoming a donor to ForHearts Worldwide, you will make a life-saving difference around the world.

Save Lives With Us Today!