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It is the holiday season – a time of joy, of family, and of giving. While some children ask for the latest electronics, the children who come to ForHearts Worldwide only ask for one electronic: a pacemaker.

This year, despite all of its challenges, we had much success: saving hundreds of lives by providing them with implantable cardiac devices to keep their hearts beating. We have helped keep families whole. And our mission vows to help our patients for the rest of their lives.

Your generosity has made our successes possible. But, there are still so many people who need our help.

We Have a Match!

Let us not think of 2020 as the difficult year of COVID, but rather, the year that we came together to overcome the greatest challenges of our lives.

Did you know that we have $40,000 match? Through the generosity of one of our board members, our match will double your impact up to $40,000!

Please consider donating to help us continue our life-saving mission. COVID has made our mission more challenging, but with your support, Heartbeat Won’t Stop!

There is no donation too small and every dollar counts. Every dollar will be doubled when up to $40,000, allowing us to help twice as many children, women, and men in 2021 and beyond.

A Life Saved – Keila

Baby Keila was born in a rural village in Honduras in 2016. Within hours of her birth, the doctors discovered she had a complete heart block and needed a pacemaker. Her family simply could not afford one, but knew that without a pacemaker, she would die.

Thankfully, her doctors were able to get her a pacemaker through ForHearts Worldwide’s program, at no cost to the family.

Keila was just days old when she underwent surgery and received the life-saving pacemaker her heart so desperately needed.

Earlier this year, Keila received her regularly scheduled follow-up care.  She is now 4 years old and enjoying an active childhood, just as she deserves.  She will need a new pacemaker next year- let’s make sure she gets one!

Help us save more children like Keila – please consider donating to ForHearts Worldwide today.