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To the ForHearts Worldwide Family-

To say that 2020 was a challenge, might be an understatement. 2020 challenged us all in ways we could not have imagined. But through these challenges, we learned some very valuable takeaways – one of the most important being that we will continue to care for our brothers and sisters across the globe, even in the face of our own unprecedented difficulty.

And through the care for our brothers and sisters, Heartbeat International met our mission head-on with nearly 300 lives saved, the reopening of our Heart Center in Ecuador, three very successful virtual fundraisers in lieu of our traditional in-person events, and many other accomplishments that we championed together. Most importantly, families across the globe who thought they would lose a loved one are rejoicing this holiday season, thankful for more time together.

With newfound strength and resilience following us into 2021… I am beyond grateful for everything we achieved by working together. I truly feel blessed by the dedication of those who volunteered their time and financially supported our life-saving mission.

I want to end this year with an uplifting message as we enter the holidays and venture into 2021 together, stronger. Without all of your love, compassion, and support, we could not have accomplished everything we did this past year.  Thank you.

Happy Holidays, Happy New Year, and God bless you all,

Benedict S. Maniscalco, M.D.


ForHearts Worldwide