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With Your Support
Heartbeat Won’t Stop

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With Your Support – Heartbeat Won’t Stop! Donate this #GivingTuesday on Dec 1, 2020
With Your Support
Heartbeat Won’t Stop!

Donate this #GivingTuesday
on Dec 1, 2020

what we do for hearts

Thank You For Your Support

2020 has been one of the most challenging years of our lives. COVID has meant Heart Center temporary closures, cancellation of fundraising events, extra challenges in delivering devices across borders, and doctors working overtime, fighting on two fronts.

But thanks to the support of our donors, and the dedication of our volunteers, our live-saving mission has not skipped a beat. This year, we have saved the lives of 178 men, women, and children who would have otherwise died waiting for a pacemaker.

You Can Help Save A Life Today

During times of challenge, generosity and kindness bring us together. Generosity and kindness give everyone the power to create positive change in the lives of others, and are fundamental values anyone can act on.

This #GivingTuesday help us continue to save lives across the globe. Your donation will go directly to our life-saving mission. Every $500 raised will save a life. We are dedicated to saving lives, in spite of the challenges COVID places on our medical mission.

why forhearts
forhearts impact

Who We Are

We are a non-profit organization that has helped to provide pacemakers and critical cardiac care to underprivileged men, women, and children around the world. Since 1984 we have helped more than 16,000+ lives in more than 20 countries. But we have more to do, and we need your help.

A Life Saved

Baby Keila was born in a rural village in Honduras. Within hours of being born, the doctors told her family that she had a complete heart block and needed a pacemaker, otherwise, she would die.

Thankfully, the doctors were able to get her a pacemaker, free of charge, through Heartbeat International’s program.

When Keila was just days old she underwent surgery and received the life-saving pacemaker her heart so desperately needed.

Earlier this year, Keila received her regularly scheduled follow-up care, because our doctors are still supporting our patients, even through COVID. Keila is now four years old and enjoying an active childhood just as she deserves! She will need a new pacemaker next year – let’s make sure she gets one.

heartbeat international patient

Donate Today
With Your Support – Heartbeat Won’t Stop

It comes down to extraordinary kindness and teamwork between giving corporations, caring medical professionals, and generous donors like you. Medical corporations like Boston Scientific and BIOTRONIK provide pacemakers and lifesaving technologies free of charge. Our network of local surgeons on the ground in each country donate their time and expertise. The remaining costs are covered by your donations.
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