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Want to be a powerful force for good on a global scale? Charity is the most powerful tool you have. Both personal acts of charity (generous help and kindness given freely to those in need) and non-profit charities (the philanthropic organizations providing charity) help to create this global good, leading to better, more inclusive societies where all people are valued.

Put charity into action on International Day of Charity—Thursday, September 5, 2024.

What is International Day of Charity?

In 2012, the United Nations General Assembly passed a resolution establishing International Day of Charity “in recognition of the role of charity in alleviating humanitarian crises and human suffering within and among nations, as well as of the efforts of charitable organizations and individuals, including the work of Mother Teresa.”

International Day of Charity is now observed every September 5, the anniversary of the death of Mother Teresa of Calcutta, the founder of the Missionaries of Charity who was awarded the Nobel Peace Prize in 1979 for her humanitarian work in India. The day raises awareness of charity’s critical role in achieving the United Nations’ Sustainable Development Goals, which focus on eradicating poverty, ensuring health and education for all, and fostering social and economic development.

The best way to raise awareness of this great need and charity’s role in meeting it is through action. International Day of Charity is a day for people across the globe to engage in acts of kindness, donate to causes they care about, and participate in volunteer work to make a positive impact on their communities.

How to Support ForHearts Worldwide on International Day of Charity

At ForHearts, we see every day how poverty and a lack of economic development can deprive entire communities of essential healthcare. For 40 years, we’ve been providing implantable cardiovascular devices and life-long follow-up care to people in need in developing countries around the world.

Make ForHearts Worldwide your charity of choice for International Day of Charity! You can support our mission in the following ways:

Spread Awareness

On International Day of Charity, you can help spread awareness about ForHearts Worldwide by sharing information about the great need and the impact of our charitable work.

Did you know:

  • Cardiovascular disease is responsible for nearly 18.6 million deaths worldwide, with over 75% of these deaths occurring in low-to middle-income countries.
  • An estimated 2 – 3 million people die annually because they cannot afford a pacemaker.
  • ForHearts has saved over 17,000 lives by providing pacemakers to patients in developing countries.

Show the impact of cardiovascular care by sharing your own story. Do you or a loved one have a pacemaker? Have you experienced the effects of heart disease or cardiovascular issues personally, like from a heart attack or stroke? Share how you’re overcoming, surviving and thriving—and how ForHearts is ensuring patients in need around the world can experience these same positive outcomes. This includes our new partnership with the Pacemaker Club, an online community where people living with implantable cardiovascular devices can connect, share information, and support one another.

As you share information, stories, and updates with your social network for International Day of Charity, be sure to tag ForHearts Worldwide in your posts:

Get Involved

If you’re a passionate social networker, why spread awareness about ForHearts on just one day? Get involved as a ForHearts Social Ambassador!

As a social ambassador, you can use your online platform to amplify the reach of ForHearts social media posts by following, liking and sharing. You can also create your own posts about ForHearts for the social platform where you’re most active and where your engaged friends and followers are most likely to be reached with the message of our mission.

Rather get involved IRL (“in real life”)? Volunteering gives you the opportunity to roll up your sleeves and get involved with our mission, while personally engaging with members of the community.

Make International Day of Charity the day you commit to becoming a ForHearts volunteer! Our next fundraising event (and our most fun, by par!) is the annual Drive to Save Lives Golf Tournament, teeing off on Monday, October 7.

This day of fun to raise funds would not be possible without the tireless work of our volunteers. You can be our boots on the ground, helping the event to run smoothly and supporting tournament attendees to ensure they have a great day of golf for a good cause.


Awareness of our mission builds support. Funding our mission saves lives. The cost of pacemaker surgery and patient care can be $50,000, or more. Through the generous support of donors and sponsors and the volunteer services of doctors and medical staff, ForHearts Worldwide can provide this life-saving care for a nominal amount and never at a cost to our patients.

This is only possible through the continued financial support of corporate sponsors, monthly donors, and individuals like YOU.

You can become a ForHearts donor in five simple steps:

1. Go to the “You Can Help” tab at the top of this page and click or tap on “Donate”.
2. Select from the giving options—One-time, Monthly, Quarterly, or Yearly.
3. Enter the amount you wish to give. You can choose from pre-selected increments ($50, $100, $500 for Monthly, Quarterly, or Yearly giving), or enter your preferred amount (a great choice for a One-time gift).
4. Click “Continue” to choose your payment method (credit/debit card, PayPal, or Venmo). A small transaction fee will be added.
5. Enter your account information and click “Finish.” The amount will automatically be billed.

Use your heart to give generously this International Day of Charity. When you care for hearts in need, it can do your heart a world of good!

Make your donation to ForHearts Worldwide in honor of International Day of Charity.