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International Centers


Our Centers ForHearts take different shapes around the world.

In some countries, it is an office run by members of the local Rotary Club and volunteers.

In others, it is a medical center or a hospital where doctors, nurses, medical technicians, and researchers all donate their time and skills.

In most, it is a combination – a community group that locates those in desperate need of life-saving cardiac care and a medical facility that will donate its medical expertise and provide surgical care.

The role of ForHearts Worldwide is to bring these groups together and coordinate a range of humanitarian efforts to save lives.

As an international organization, ForHearts Worldwide is constantly working to negotiate new policies and procedures that allow us to help heart patients in need around the world.

Since our formal launch in 1984, our team has worked to navigate ever-changing standards and importation policies to allow us to get the care and technology to those who will die without it. It can be complex and challenging, but it never diminishes our passion for eliminating preventable deaths from heart disease.

Over the past three decades we have been able to help save lives in over 20 countries around the world including Guatemala, Mexico, Honduras, Philippines, El Salvador, Costa Rica, Dominican Republic, Trinidad and Tobago, Ecuador and Paraguay. We are always working towards adding additional locations around the world.

Over the past three decades, we have been able to help save lives in over 20 countries around the world including Guatemala, Mexico, Honduras, Philippines, El Salvador, Costa Rica, Dominican Republic, Trinidad and Tobago, Ecuador and Paraguay. We are constantly working towards adding additional locations around the world.

Make a Global Impact

Together We Can Provide Life-Saving Care ForHearts In Need